12 Incredible Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd

Health benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd


The  very thing that stirkes you when you hear these terms as the Bitterness. They are associated with. They are light or dark green based on the areas they are cultivated. Though this vegetables has got a bitter taste, it is enriched with a lot of essential Vitamins and useful anti-oxidants.Explore Amazing Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd Given Below.

The bitter gourd is known as Kaka raya in Telugu, Pavakah in Malyalam, Parvati in Tamil, Heggle Chi in Kannada, Carly in Marathi, Corolla in Bengali and Karela in both Hindi and Gujarati just like the diversity in the names, the benefits of bitter gourd are diversed and various as well. Thus vegetable can be consumed in many ways. You can make various recipes out of it. You can make pick out of it or you can even make juice out of it.

Bitter Gourd is an example of a food that is packed with health benefits that very few of us know. Bitter gourd is actually a type of Melon fruit grown mainly in Africa, Asia and The Caribbean. It has a sharp flavor and  a slightly funky appearance, it’s long and thin, with a green bumpy skin.

The juice or extract of bitter gourd is particulalry beneficial to persons health. It might not have the most pleasant taste but bitter gourd juice contains a whole host of important nutrients ranging from Iron and Magnesium to Potassium and Vitamin C. As an excellent source of dietary fiber, bitter gourd juice also contains twice the Calcium of Spinach. The beta-carotene of broccoli and the Potassium of Banana. Bitter gourd also has a few side effects to look out for.

There are plenty of reason to start adding bitter gourd to your diet. Whether you are suffering with a specific condition mentioned above or you just want to improve your health. The natural way. Bitter gourd is fairly cheap and accessible, depending on where in the world you live.

What  Are The Health Benefits Of Biter Gourd ? Here are Amazing 12 Health benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd on a daily Basis

01) Promote Digestion:

Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd

As a high fiber food, bitter gourd is a simple snack for improving your digestion. Drinking bitter gourd extract on a daily basis can help move food more quickly through your digestive system. Retaining water and preventing constipation and other digestive issues. Bitter gourd is used as a natural laxative in herbal medicine and despite it’s sharp taste, it’s also known for it’s soothing effects on the stomach. Taking bitter gourd is  though to prevent stomach ulcers and other similar damage caused by too much acid productions.

02) Lowers Cholesterol:

High cholesterol is caused by a build-up of deposite in the Arteries and can limit blood flow, increasing your risk of a heart attack or stroke. While high cholesterol should always be treated by professional medical care, if you are just looking to maintain a healthy cholesterol, Bitter Gourd is a good food to add to your diet.

A number of animal studies have found that Bitter Gourd may decrease Cholesterol levels to support overall hear health. More specifically, experts think that bitter gourd can lower levels of total cholesterol, Bad LDL Cholesterol abd Triglycerides which can cause heart problems, especially in later life.

03)  Speed Up wound Healing:

Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd

You don’t just benefits from bitter gourd internally, it’s also an effective anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory agents for healing wounds. Experts say, that getting your daily intake of bitter gourd will help speed up wound healing. Reducing inflammation and preventing infection at the site of an injury.

Bitter gourd is used in herbal medicine for preventing bacterial growth, Thanks to it’s high natural sugar content. Some studies have already looked into the beneficial effects of applying a bitter gourd cream to skin wounds, and it seems likely that the fruit will be used as a natural topical medication in the future.

04)  Helps to Manage Arthritis Pain:

Bitter Gourd contains Vitamin K content and anti-inflammatory properties, bitter gourd can help people suffering from arthritis to experienced reduced pain and inflammation in their joints. It’s  thought that Vitamin K destroys inflammatory cells that contributes to Rheumatoid Arthritis, helping to prevent the diseases from worsening and manage the frequency of flare-ups.

One 3 month study of 75 Patients with Osteoarthritis found that those who were given a daily dose of bitter gourd had significant imporvement in their Osteoarthritis pan, Inflammation and Mobility.

05)  Good For Skin and Hair:

Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd

It’s the Vitamin and Minerals content found in bitter gourd that makes it such a beneficial fruit for skin and hair health. Notably, bitter gourd is packed with full of anti-oxidants, Vitamin A and Vitamin C, which prevent skin ageing and diminish wrinkles. Vitamin C is particularly effective in neutralising the free radicals that cause oxidative stress to skin and result in ageing of the face and hands.

Bitter Gourd is also a good cleaning food  for removing unwanted toxins from your body. As these toxins are removed, you can literally detox your skin as many toxins actually leave your body through your skin, You’ll be able to benefits from clean, pimple free skin with a natural.

06) Boost Immunity:

Immunity system in a body must be really strong. It is because the immunity system is what fights against the bodies in your blood stream and protects you from facing harm. If your immunity system is strong, you can stay void of health disorders that foreign bodies carry.

Boil the bitter gourd vegetables or leaves in water until the nutrients are extracted. Drink the water frequently every day and your immune system will gain the ability to fight against many infections.

Bitter Gourd is an extremly rich source of Vitamin C, which helps boost immunity and prevent you from getting sick. As an anti-oxidants, Viitamin C fights against free radicals in the body which studies have shown could help prevent or delay certain cancers and heart diseases and promote healthy ageing.

Studies thought that drinking one dose of Bitter Gourd extract is enough to ward off all number of illness and help you to maintain good health long into the future.

07)  Anti-cancer Properties:

Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd


We already know that Bitter gourd boost the Immune system and it’s even been found to reduce the risk of cancer. Bitter gourd has been shown to disrupt the production of glucose, potentially inhibiting the growth of Pancreatic cancer cells in particular. Some studies suggest that bitter gourd may also be effective in killing other Cancerous cells in the Liver, Colon, Breast or Prostate.

The effects of bitter Gourd are yet to be studied in cancer patients. Small clinical trials have shown promise that bitter gourd extracts can lower blood glucose levels, but larger and better-designed clinical trials are needed to give us a better idea of these benefits.

08)  Prevent Diabetes:

Health Benefits of Eating Bitter Gourd

The Blood sugar balancing properties of Bitter gourd also makes it effective in preventing the onset of diabetes. One study found that bitter gourd pulp extract significantly lowered blood sugar levels in rats with diabetes, and improved Insulin sensitivity in Insulin resistant rats.

Bitter gourd can not only prevent diabetes but treat the illness effectively. The fruit contains an Insulin-like compound known as Polypeptide-p, or p-insulin, which has been shown to control diabetes naturally. These substances either work individually or together to help reduce blood sugar levels.

09)  Aids Naturals Weight Loss:

Bitter Goud contains ingredients that lowers and maintain blood sugar levels in your body and prevent your body from absorbing extra sugar on top of this experts say that Bitter gourd is partly responsible and increased in the number of Beta cells in your Pancreas. These cells are involved in secreting Insulin, which are essential for maintaining blood sugar levels.

You need balanced blood sugar and no extra insulin for healthy weight loss, which bitter gourd can help you to achieve. One 100 gram serving of bitter gourd contains only 17 calories, and it is also full of fiber, helping to slow down the digestion process, keeping you fuller for longer and preventing hunger pangs from hitting.

10)  It Good For The Liver:

Liver is essential oragan of our body. These days Liver disorders are on the rise. You can do your bit in keeping your liver healthy by using bitter gourd. Make a glass of bitter gourd juice, drink the juice every day to avoid liver problems and even heal liver problems. Continue consuming this juice on a regular basis and you can see the results in 2 weeks.

11)  Good Figher Against Acne:

Pimple or acne is one skin problems that bothers most of us a lot besides, the marks they leaves behind are quite embrassing. However, by consuming bitter gourd, you can effectively get rid of this problems. Bitter gourd also fights against blemished as well as intense skin infections.

The vegetables is also helpful in healing blood disorders such as fungal problems. The free radicals present in bitter gourd is also helpful in anti-ageing . Drink the bitter gourd juice blended with Lemon with an empty stomach everyday for around 6 month and you will see results.

12) Respiratory Problems:

The bitter gourd are a great remedy if you are looking to cure respiratory disorders such as cold, cough, asthma and many more. You can make a paste using bitter gourd leaves with Tulsi leaves, paste mix it with honey. Consume this recipe every morning and you will be  keeping away a lot of respiratory problems.

What are The Side Effects Of Bitter Gourd

When you’re taking bitter gourd, the appropriate dose for you may depends on several factors, like your age and health condition. There is no set dose for bitter gourd, although if you’re taking a Pharmaceutical supplements, you’ll be a given a recommended dose based on the product you’ve bought.

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