dragon fruit contain high levels of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, it can be used as an excellent remedy for reducing inflammation and improving joint Mobility. The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit help to relieve pain associated with Arthritis
Dragon fruit is good choice for people who want to improve their gut health. It contains prebiotic that helps to promote healthy digestion. The seeds contains Oligosaccharides that supports the growth of good bacteria in your gut.
Dragon fruit is rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and Magnesium. It contains anti-oxidants such as Beta-carotene and Lycopene which have all been linked to lower the risk of Chronic diseases. These is because anti-oxidants lower oxidative stress from progressing in the body.
Regular consumption of dragon fruit can give you thick, strong and shiny hair. This tropical fruit comes from a Cactus like plant. It has got hot pink layers of skin with fleshy fruit inside.
Dragon fruit is an excellent source of fiber. 1 cup serving can give you 7 grams of fiber. Having more fiber-rich foods in your system cannot only keep your gut healthy but can also have a positive impact on your body weight.
Dragon fruit can reduce irritation and swelling of the joints. Studies have shown that diets that are high in anti-oxidants can help ward off Arthritis.
It contains 8% of the recommended daily intake of Iron. And the Vitamin C from this fruit also helps in the complete absorption of Iron. Folate can also prevent neural tube defect, premature birth and other complications with your baby. The calcium will keep the bones and teeth of the developing Fetus strong.
The vitamin C content in this fruit can brighten up your skin. 1 cup of dragon fruit juice can give you 9% of the recommened daily intake.
This fruit has a low glycemic index and encourages your body to produce more insulin. Having this fruit is just a breeze. You need to get rid of the thick leatheryy skin by peeling it.
Dragon fruit contains Iron which helps build healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body. This helps keep you energized throughout the day without coffee or tea to help get through it. The darker red dragon fruits contains more Iron than the ligher colored ones.
Dragon fruit can be used as an alternative to other fruit with high levels of Calcium, such as Figs and Lemons. The fruit is a good source of Calcium which is an essential minerals for bone health. Calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones and is important for preventing Osteoporosis and fractures.