apaya believed to have anti-inflammatory properties. It treat Ulcers, Diarrhea and Dysentery. Today it is still used in popular medicine to treat inflammatory condition like Arthritis, Astma, Bronchitis and Urinary tract infection.
They also contain Vitamin A, C and E as well as Potassium and Follic acid. The seeds from papaya plants have been used for centuries as an Ingredient in traditional medicines to treat digestive problems such as Heartburn and ulcers as well as fever respiratory infections and even malaria.
Papaya contains several Vitamins and Minerals essential for healthy hair growth including Vitamin A, Vitamin C and Iron. Vitamin A helps keeps your scalp healthy by moisturizing it and promoting the production of sebum.
Papaya contains Vitamin C, A and E as well as beta-carotene all of which are anti-oxidants that helps protect your body against free radicals damage. These compounds helps fight against the development of many serious diseases.
Papaya contains vitamin A and C which are essential to help prevent heart diseases by reducing inflammation in the body. It also preventd Atherosclerosis which is the hardening of the Arteries.
The number of anti-oxidants in papaya helps to protects cells from the effects of free radicals. This can help prevent from becoming damaged and developing into cancerouus cells.
Studies have shown that people with lower levels of cortisol which is the stress Hormones feel less anxous and depressed than those with higher levels of Cortisol. If you’re looking for a way to calm down after a stressful day at work try adding more papayas to your diet.
Researchers tested the effects of Papain on human skin cells taken from hair Follicles, they observed it under a microscope to see if it could break down. Collagen fibers in these cells they found that when they adde Papain to these cells it broke down their collagen fibers, this might proven that papaya might even have anti-aging properties.
Papaya is known to promote regular bowel movements due to it’s laxative properties which aid digestion by helping breaks down food faster. This may make it easier for you to pass stool naturally without resorting to laxative or enmas.
It is packed with vitamin A. Vitamin C and Vitamin E which provides quite a huge anti-oxidants dose. It makes your skin tighter, and brighter, therefore preventing wrinkles, sagging and dull skin.