What are the health benefits of Ginger? Here are 16 Reasons why you should add ginger to your Diet

health benefits of Ginger


The root of a ginger plants are widely used for foods and natural medical purposes around the world. Studies found that ginger is rich in bio-active compounds and anti-oxidants that can reduce oxidative damage and provide many positive health benefits for human body.

Ginger is a popular spice with some powerful medicinal properties. It’s become well known for it’s many health benefits and people around the world consume it for this reasons.

Reason why you should start adding Ginger to your daily diet. Explore 16 Incredible and proven health benefits of ginger-2024

01)  Reduce Inflammation:

Ginger is packed with anti-oxidants and anti-inflammatory properties. Studies found that ginger may be helpful in treating certain types of inflammatory conditions such as Osteoarthritis. Researchers also found that the properties of Ginger can help reduce the production, such as Leukotrienes.

Leukotrienes are a chemical that our body produces in response to a  stimulate such as Pollen. When Pollen is introduced and Leukotrienes are released, they cause our body to react by coughing producing extra mucus and tightening the muscles in our airways making it more difficult to breath.

This is an inflammatory response that occurs in those with Asthma and even those with seasonal allergies. By incorporating ginger into your diet, hopefully you can mitigate these unwanted inflammatory events from taking place.

02) Helps to Treat Chronic Indigestion:

If you suffer from heartburn after you eat certain foods then you should consume ginger. Studies have shown that it can help treat those unwanted symptoms as well. Ginger’s Phenolic compounds after just one month of regular consumption, your body could experienced fewer gastric contraction that drive acid back into your Esophagus. It is great for regular indigestion.

03)  Prevent Nausea:

Ginger is well known for it’s ability to help get rid of Nausea. Many of you have had that feeling before when you aren’t it feeling well or have perhaps eaten something that doesn’t agree with you and you get that horrible feeling in your stomach like you might be sick at any moment. Ginger can help you with that.

It works by breaking down and expelling gas from the stomach and Intestines and therefore prevents you from feeling nauseous. It’s a role in keeping your digestive system functioning properly and blood pressure stable is also thought to be a way in which ginger help prevent sickness.

This amazing benefits of ginger has made it great for helping with sea sickness, morning sickness in pregnancy and in helping prevent motion sickness.

04) Reduces Menstrual Pain:

This is one that the women will be particularly happy about menstrual pain can be debiliting and make it difficult to do almost anything. Ginger can help to reduced any pain felt during a women’s menstrual cycle. A study showed that women who took only 1 gram of Ginger a day at the start of their menstrual cycle exprience significantly less pain and fewer cramps than normal.

05) Great for Cardiovascular Health:

Ginger is great for our heart in so many ways. It has been proven to help anti-platelet activity, which prevents blood cells from merging and clotting, and so therefore, reduces your risk of having a stroke. Furthermore ginger has been proven to reduce our levels of Cholesterol by breaking down certain Lipo-proteins which are bad for our heart. This therefore benefits our Cardiovascular health and prevents our Arteries from getting blocked.

06) Help manage and Lower the risk of Diabetes:

Ginger is helpful in facilitating the movement of Glucose into our muscles without the aid of Insulin with a  reduce Insulin response, our body can begin to improve it’s Insulin sensitivity. This means that when Gingerols are Incorporated into our bodies manage high blood sugar levels without a high of an Insulin.

Ginger has been proven to help people with diabetes to manage their conditions and has also been shown to actually lower an individuals risk of developing the condition at all. This is because ginger lowers our blood sugar levels.

With one study showing how having 2 grams of powder everyday over the course of 12 weeks leads to a reduction in blood sugar levels of over 10%.

What is also great is that this reduction isn’t just temporary but is actually a long term change. As diabetes is characterized by a high blood sugar levels, you can see how ginger can be so helpful. Ginger can also helps to regulate Insulin levels, which is another thing that is important for diabetics.

07)  Helps In reducing Risk Of Cancer:

Ginger can actually help in reducing your risk of getting all diferent types of cancer. This is because ginger has properties that prevent the damage of cells, which is what is responsible for causing cancer. Therefore, having about 2 grams of Ginger a day has been proven to help in reducing your risk of developing cancer.

While more research is needed in this areas, scientist are hopeful that ginger could help prevent certain type of cancer from occuring. Small-scale studies were performed on ‘normal risk’ participantss and found that the daily intake of ginger had the potential to reduce levels of compounds known to be associated with a cancer diagnosis.

The cultures that regularly use ginger in their diet show fewer cases of cancer as well. While it’s not a medical certainity, ginger still offeres some incredible health benefits which is why you can considered adding it to your daily diet.

08) Enhance Brain Cognitive:

Chronic inflammation and oxidative stress within the body can speed up the aging process. Ginger can mitigate these unwanted effects, keeping your brain functionality high and even decreasing the risk of conditions such as dementia and Alzheimer’s diseases.  Some scientist also believe that ginger’s anti-inflammatory effects may promote blood flow to the brain, which can help enhance cognitive functioning and improve your ability to focus.

09)  Reduce Pain:

One of the most common uses of ginger is to reduce pain. Including reducing inflammation. Ginger is an Aromatic spice that contains a wide range of nutrients, including powerful anti-oxidants which can help the body rid itself of free radicals that cause cell damage. From Arthrits to post-workout muscles discomfort and even menstrual cramps, Ginger has the potential to help minimize pain simply by incorporating as little as two grams a ay into your diet.

10) Improve Digestion:

Another health benefits of ginger is that it helps our digestive system. So it helps us to break down food and remove anything we don’t need. It does this by promoting enzymes in our stomach which are needed for digestion and by helping to speed up the movement of food and waste product through the digestive tract.

This therefore means ginger also helps to prevent constipation. Ginger also helps to break down and expel gas and so prevent us from suffering from trapped wind or feeling any sort of discomfort after consuming food or drink.

11)  Reduced Muscle Pain and Soreness:

While doing exercise in Gym to aid in getting fit. Well most understand all  too well how sore your muscles can get after working out, and how your muscle can ache for days after. Ginger can help this. It has been proven that if you consume ginger before exercise then it reduces muscles pain caused by the exercise of all different sorts of intensity. It is especially good for any workout that involved arm or elbow movement and also for cycling.

12) Ease Cold and Flu Symptoms:

When you had a cold at some point, you may even be suffering from flu-like symptoms. It can be such a pain in the winter months, when your nose feels all stuffy and you have to stay in bed with a box of tissues next to you. Having some fresh ginger can help to relieve some of those flu-like symptoms such as a blocked nose or sore throat.

This is because ginger helps protect our respiratory system and so when suffering from a cold it helps to fight off virus cells in our respiratory system.

13)  Lower risk of Alzheimer’s diseases:

Oxidative stress and inflammation can accelerate the aging process, including increasing the risk of the age-related condition of Alzheimer diseases. Ginger is not only anti-inflammatory, but is also anti-oxidatve, and so these two properties combined mean that ginger can help in lowering your risk of Alzheimer diseases. Using the same properties it also helps to imrpove overall brain function, and so can keep you feeling young at mind for longer.

14)  Lower Cholesterol Levels:

Studies found that properties of ginger can work to reduce LDL Cholesterol in the blood, which is the bad type of cholesterol that is worked to increased risk of a heart attack or stroke. Scientist also believes that ginger can activate certain enzymes that promotes you body use of cholesterol. Therefore if your body uses cholesterol it doesn’t build up as much in your arteries, which decreases the risk factors associated with cardiovascular diseases.

15)  Boost the Immune System:

Long -term inflammation can have detrimental effects on your entire body. This also includes the immune system which can increase the likelihood of getting sick. This is why ginger may be a great addition to your daily diet. It’s ability to help reduce inflammation means your immune system can continue functioning at an optimal level.

This can potentially make it easier for your immune cells to protect your body from the viruses and bacteria that are looming on a daily basis.

16) Helps in Weight Loss:

A study found that the bio-active compound found in ginger may impact the processes in our body that burn and store fats. This is why researchers believed that ginger can help individuals reduce their overall weight, body fat percentage and waist-to-hip ratio.

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