Dragon Fruit is delicious, can add a pop of color to your smoothies, salad bowls and give you a blast of other health benefits. Dragon fruit also known as Pattayya is an exotic fruit that has been consumed for centuries in tropical areas but it is not just it’s taste that makes this fruit so special but it has many health benefits.
The taste of the dragon fruit is sweet but not overwhelming. It’s often compared to watermelon or Kiwi. The flavor depends on the variety you choose with some being tangier than other. Dragon fruit is low in calories without sacrificing flavor, making it an ideal snacks food for people who want to lose weight or maintain a healthy diet. Here are some benefits of eating this fruits.
Reason why you should start adding Dragon Fruit To your diet. Here are 15 Proven Health benefits of Dragon Fruit-2024
01) Relieves Symptoms Of Arthritis:
Since dragon fruit contain high levels of Vitamin C and anti-oxidants, it can be used as an excellent remedy for reducing inflammation and improving joint Mobility. The anti-inflammatory properties of this fruit help to relieve pain associated with Arthritis. Dragon fruit also contains an enzymes called Lycopene which helps to maintain healthy bones, Cartilage, Ligaments and Joints.
The high levels of Potassium found in Dragon fruits, helps to reduce muscle cramps and spasms associated with Rhsumatoid Arthritis. This fruit also contains Calcium which is essential for bone health. Studies have shown that regular consumption of Calcium rich food may help prevent Osteoporosis or bone due to aging or other factors like Hormonal Changes or Diseases.
02) Supports Gut Health:
Dragon fruit is good choice for people who want to improve their gut health. It contains prebiotic that helps to promote healthy digestion. The seeds contains Oligosaccharides that supports the growth of good bacteria in your gut. You can also find these in bananas, Legumes and other fruit like Mangoes, Melon and Pomegranates. Pre-biotic and non-digestable carbohydrates that stimulates the growth of good bacteria in the colon.
When you eat foods that contains pre-biotic, they pass through your digestive tract and become food for the beneficial becateria living there. The good bacteria then multiply, crowding out, bad bacteria and increasing their numbers throughout your body. Dragon fruit also contain pectin and Mucilage which are both known to help relieve constipation by increasing water absorption into stoods, making them so often an easier to pass through the digestive tract.
03)Protect Your Body From Oxidative Stress:
Dragon fruit is rich in Vitamin C, Potassium and Magnesium. It contains anti-oxidants such as Beta-carotene and Lycopene which have all been linked to lower the risk of Chronic diseases. These is because anti-oxidants lower oxidative stress from progressing in the body.Oxidative stress occurs when there is a disruption in the balance between oxidants and anti-oxiants, it occurs when the body is unable to cope with the effects of free radicals, which are unstable atoms that damage cells and tissues in the body.
Free radicals are produced by normal cellular activity as well as exposure to environmental toxins such as Cigarette smoke or Pesticides. But if there are too many free radicals present in your body they can cause damage to healthy cells. Anti-oxidants helps protect against this damage by Neutralizing these harmful Molecules before they can cause any harm if left unchecked oxidative stress can lead to inflammation that causes damage to organs like the brain or heart.
A study also found that dragon fruit contains several Phytochemical such as Carotenoids and Phenolic acids which are both powerful anti-oxidants. These anti-oxidants helps protect your body from free radicals damage which can lead to Chronic diseases including heart diseases. Cancer Neurological disorder and diabetes.
04) Rejuvenates Hair:
Have you heard of a fruit that can acts as a shield for your colored hair? It always chemicals that protect treated or colored hair. But dragon fruit might do this trick. Regular consumption of dragon fruit can give you thick, strong and shiny hair. This tropical fruit comes from a Cactus like plant. It has got hot pink layers of skin with fleshy fruit inside.
It’s a mixture of Kiwi and Pear with numerous tiny black seeds scattered in it. Sometimes it also could have yellow colored skin and white colored flesh. This fruit also goes by a couple of other names like strawberry, Pear and Pitaya. This is a summer fruit but you can find it in the frozen section all around the year. Also, there is a powdered mix of this fruit that can easily be added to a glass of milk. Have this drink once a day for that Luscious mane.
Artificial coloring can be pretty damaging to yoru hair shafls. Also, the ironing, perming and blow-dryiing can be very harsh if you have weak hair roots. You just need to gulp down this yummy magic potion once a day and keep your hair health intect. Also some hair experts believe in squeezing the juice of this fruit into your regular hair conditioners. If you believe in hair masks, apply the fruit pulp directly on the scalp. That can help your hair follicles to open up and breath.
05) Loaded With Fiber:
There is no feeling more satisfying than an empty gut in the morning with so much refined food in our diet. It’s practically impossible for digested food to move forward in the colon. But fiber from natural foods can help push things ahead and empty your bowel. Dragon fruit is an excellent source of fiber. 1 cup serving can give you 7 grams of fiber.
Having more fiber-rich foods in your system cannot only keep your gut healthy but can also have a positive impact on your body weight. But that does not mean you just go crazy on fiber. The recommended fiber intake for women is 25 grams per day and for men is 38 grams. Anything more than that can cause stomach cramps. If you’re trying to add dragon fruit to your fiber intake its best to start incorporating more dragon fruit smoothies in your diet.
The flesh is filled with seeds that can keep constipation away and give you protein as well. The combination of fiber and fluid can stop your body from going into shock with high fiber, especially if you have a routine of a very low fiber diets. Try combining dragon fruit with chopped cucumber, cranberry juice and honey. Blend it till you get a smooth consistency. You can also whip it up with yogurt, water, milk and other ingredients like Apricots and Beetroots.
Add lemon juice, Kiwi, Dragon fruit and water to your blender to make a dragon fruit cooler. It’s perfect for people struggling with poor digestion. It also has pre-biotic and can bring a balance of good bacteria in the gut.
06) Relieves Arthritis:
This fruit has started gaining some serious recognition as an anti-inflammatory. Arthritis is inflammation of the joints often accompanied by excruciating pain upon moving that joint. That is why most people suffering from Arthritis choose a sedentory lifestyle, adding up to more ailments in the body. But this fruit can reduce irritation and swelling of the joints. Studies have shown that diets that are high in anti-oxidants can help ward off Arthritis.
07) Must have During Pregnancy:
The commonist problem that to be mums face is Nausea and Vomitting. The refreshing fruit can go easy on your tummy without making you want to throw up. Even if you are experiencing a smooth pregnancy, it should not stop you from having this fruit. Your doctor must have prescribed a long list of supplements for you.
As it’s always better to get nutrition from natural dietary sources like fresh food. Your nutrition requirement double up during this time so you need something supersaturated with goodness. Dragon fruits is a powerhouse of Folate, Iron an B. Vitamins. This will keep your blood. That will automatically keep fatigue away.
It contains 8% of the recommended daily intake of Iron. And the Vitamin C from this fruit also helps in the complete absorption of Iron. Folate can also prevent neural tube defect, premature birth and other complications with your baby. The calcium will keep the bones and teeth of the developing Fetus strong. Additionally, magnesium will also fight Postmenopausal complication.
08) Fight Aging Skin:
Some are blessed with glowing healthy skin. But premature skin aging can make your skin dull and old. While the beauty market are loaded with cosmetics that claims to have the power to care aging skin, you need something extra to nourish it from within. Dragon fruit has the perfect recipe of macro-nutrients to make your skin Radiant.
Sometimes stress, poor diet and pollution can send you back a few years. Additionally, sunburn and dry skin can cause more Havoc. The vitamin C content in this fruit can brighten up your skin. 1 cup of dragon fruit juice can give you 9% of the recommened daily intake. If you have a hormonal imbalance or just enjoy oily food a little too much, you will start breaking out just like a teenager. Vitamin C can come to the rescue and soothe a bad flare-up.
It’s always fun to do some DIY at home and with all natural ingredients. You can use dragon fruit as a face masks by pulping a slice of it and applying it over the reddened areas. You can even add a few drops of honey and make your anti-aging mask. It can also be used for your sun-stroked skin after a beach vacation.
09 Fight Diabetes:
Diabetes often are let with limited fruit choice. Many fruits have the potential to mess up blood glucose and are best avoided. But you need not worry about dragon fruit, it can have a star position on your shopping list as it is well tolerated by diabetes. It also great for people who have a sweet tooth. Some studies have shown that fiber can safeguard heart health and reduce blood sugar spikes.
This fruit has a low glycemic index and encourages your body to produce more insulin. Having this fruit is just a breeze. You need to get rid of the thick leatheryy skin by peeling it. If not you can just cut it open with a sharp knife. To find a prefectly ripe dragon fruit, pick only the bright red-skinned one’s, the green will probably be a little underipe. Just like Avocados, this fruit should be soft but not too mushy. Once you cut it open just dig in with the spoon to scoop it out and devour it.
You can also cut cubes and add them to a bowl of salad with fruits of your choice. Bananas, watermelon and grapes would team well with it. Try experimenting with Lettuce, tomatoes,oranges and a vinegar, mustard dressing. Fix yourself this bowl at breakfast and get a burst of colors and flavors. Give your day a nutrients-dense kickstart. It can be quite confusing to pick the right fruit when you have diabetes.
10) Increase Iron Levels In the Body:
Iron is an essential minerals that helps build red blood cells that transport oxygen throughout the body. Iron deficiency can lead to Anemia which can be Fatal if left untreated. Therefore finding ways to increase Iron levels in the body is important for maintaining good health and preventing Anemia.
Pregnant women need extra Iron to make sure that their baby gets enough of it during pregnancy. Breastfeeding mothers also need extra Iron because they lose blood each time they feed their babies. The Iron content in dragon fruit can help prevent or treat Anemia by increasing your body’s Iron levels when needed. These can be especially useful if you are pregnant or breastfeeding, as those conditions increase your need for Iron as well as being good for your inside out.
Dragon fruit contains Iron which helps build healthy red blood cells that carry oxygen around your body. This helps keep you energized throughout the day without coffee or tea to help get through it. The darker red dragon fruits contains more Iron than the ligher colored ones. So if you’re looking for a boost in energy levels try adding one of those to your diet today.
11) Improves Bone Health:
Dragon fruit can be used as an alternative to other fruit with high levels of Calcium, such as Figs and Lemons. The fruit is a good source of Calcium which is an essential minerals for bone health. Calcium helps to build and maintain strong bones and is important for preventing Osteoporosis and fractures.
It also contains Phosphorus, which is another mineral that is another mineral that is important for bone health. Phosphorus works together with calcium to build strong bones and teeth and also help to maintain the pH balance of the body. The magnesium found in this fruit also helps to improve bone density and reduce the risk of Osteoporosis. A 2014 study showed that dragon fruit helps improve bone health by increasing bone mineral density by 10% in Post-menopausal women after 12 weeks dragon fruit aren’t going to send you on any new life-changing health journey.
However, it is a pretty good source of fiber and vitamin C. It is also seems to be fairly low in Purine, which is great if you already have issues withUric acids or Gout so as Long as you take it in moderation. Dragon fruit can make for a great addition to any diet.
12) Booost Your Immune System:
The Vitamin C present in Dragon Fruits help to supports the immune system by promoting the production of white blood cells which are essential for fighting off infections and diseases. This vitamin is essential for fighting off infections and colds because it helps the body produce anti-bodies that fight against illness causing bacteria and viruses. Itt also aids in healing wounds faster by repairing damaged tissues cells.
The fruit also contains several other vitamins and Minerals that are important for immune function including Vitamin B6, Iron and Magnesium. These nutrients helps to support the production of white blood cells and anti-bodies which plays a key role in fighting off infections. The pre-biotic fiber found in dragon fruit also helps to feed the beneficial bacteria in the gut. These bacteria are essential for maintaining a healthy immune system as they helps to prevent the growth of harmful bacteria and viruses.
13) Might Help With Weight Loss:
Dragon fruit has recently become popular in the U.S as a unique and exotic fruit that can used to make juice, jams, smoothies or even cocktails, but the fruit nutritional value goes beyond it’s delicious taste, this is because it’s loaded with health benefits that can help you lose weight. The fruit contain about 150 calories per cup of raw pulp or seeds.
Dragon fruit are also high in fiber and low in carbohydrates compared to other tropical fruits like bananas or mangoes. The high fiber content in dragon fruit can help you lose weight because it fills you up faster. It also keep you feeling full longer than food that contains less fiber plus having a low calories food such as dragon fruit as part of your diet can help prevent overeating from causing weight gain.
A study published in the journal of Ethnopharmacology found that dragon fruit contain high levels of anti-oxidants that helps prevent oxidative damage to cells.This process is important for weight loss because loss because it prevents the accumulation of fats tissues and helps maintain a healthy weight. Free radicals can also affect your weight loss efforts by casuing difficulty losing weight. Despite eating a healthy diet. Inflammation also cause fat storage around the belly area which makes you look larger than you really are.
14) Lower Cholesterol:
Do you still snack on processed foods that claims to have low saturated fat? You need a real healthy switch. Munching on sausages, Pizzas and cakes is probably going to clog your Arteries in the long run. Eating this fruit that’s low in fats can combat plaque clogging up arteries. It’s a great option for weight watchers too.
The only fat tha is present in this fruit is omega 3 fatty acids. Dragon fruit is super-concentrated with these beneficial fats. The unsaturated fats from this fruit can also help with steady circulation throughout your body. Also, the fiber from the fruit can keep your heart away from diseases. It can even boost your brain health and keep inflammation at bay.
15) Fight Cancer:
We can get actual health and wellness in a cup of dragon fruit. The Bright colored fruit is loaded with Phytonutrients, Flavonoids and anti-oxidants. The combination of these compounds can have amazing effects of the free radicals that produce cancer.
Betalains and Carotenoids are other anti-oxidants that can fight oxidative stress and cancer cells. Fiber from the fruit can also work against colon cancer.
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