13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera


In sanskrit the Aloe Vera plant is called as  Kumari. That is young girl, this name probably is given because the plant looks young and fresh even after many years. According to ayurveda Aloe Vera rice in other words it is anti-toxic treats digestive disorders and Rejuvenates cells in ayurveda.

Aloe vera is commonly used as a therapeutic as well as cosmetic purpose it can be applied topically or consumed orally to derive it’s several benefits.

What Are The Health Benefits Of Using Aloe Vera ? Here Are 13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

01)  Treat Diabetes:

13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

Recent evidence is now suggesting that aloe vera can be used to help treat diseases like diabetes and high Triglycerides levels. Recently two clinical trials administered. One tablespoon of Aloe Vera gel or Placebo-during 6 weeks to patients and discovered that blood glucose and triglycerides levels significantly decreased with the Aloe Vera treatment in a second trial.

All over was used comparing to acommonly prescibed diabetic drug and this trial resulted in significant reduction in blood glucose and Serum Triglycerides concentrations. So now you know if you have any diabetes or diabetes related problems. You can take Aloe Vera every day to help out this condition.

02)   Help With Digestion:

Aloe Vera doesn’t only help treat constipation but it also contains components that help with digestion. This plants has anti-inflammatory properties and laxative components that helps with digestion, normalizing that acid Alkaline or pH balanace. Another thing aloe vera juice does is lessens yeast formation and encourages the digestive bacteria to properly function.

Aloe Vera has also been used to soothe and heal stomach Ulcers because it has anti-bacterial agents and natural healing properties that can restore the stomach lining back to health and if this were not enough, several studies have proven that Aloe Vera juice twice a day  decreases the levels of discomfort in patients with irritable bowel syndrome and flatulence.

03) Reduces Inflammation:

More evidence every day is now supporting the fact that inflammation is a root cause for many diseases. Aloe Vera provides an amazing number of Vitamins and Minerals that helps reduce inflammation and helps cope with diseases. Vitamin E for example is a powerful anti-oxidants found in Aloe Vera that reduces free radicals damage fights off inflammation and helps naturally slows down the aging process and the death of cells.

Vitamin  A is another one that plays a critical role in maintaining healthy vision, Liver function, Neurological function and a  healthy skin which act on the body. Reducing free radicals damages and inflammation and Vitamin C is also found In the lower part which helps protect the body from Cardiovascular diseases, eye diseases, aging or preatal problems.

04)   Boost Immune System:

Aloe Vera has a compound called Braddock Kinase which stimulates the immune system and kills off infections. A 2014 report points out that aloe vera is being studied for it’s uses in dentistry because it’s been proven to an anti-bacterial and anti-fungal plant that is excellent for building up that immune system without causing Allergic reaction or side-effects.

Zinc is also another very important component in Aloe vera making it a great source of new treant that boosts that immune system combats Zinc deficiency in summary, it’s starting to be called a miracle plant.

05)  Contains Vitamin and Minerals:

13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

It’s also good to point out that Aloe Vera contains Vitamin B12 which is essential for the production of red blood cells. Moreover, consuming Aloe vera can help the body to absorb Vitamin B12 more easily and utilize it, this will help tackle the issues of deficiency.

Besides Vitamin B12, Aloe Vera also contains Vitamin A,C,E, B1,B2, B3 and B6. It’s also a good source of Folic Acid and Choline (Choline is essential for normal brain development, liver function, muscle movement and more). Aloe Vera is also chock full of Minerals that are essential for our overall health and well-being.

This healing plant contains Magnesium, Calcium, Potassium, Chromium, Selenium, Sodium, Copper, Iron and Manganese. These Minerals work together to keep your Metabolism in tip-top shape.

06)  Treats Skin Problems:

13 Incredible And Amazing Health Benefits of Aloe Vera

This health benefits is well known around the world and the truth is that Aloe vera is truely incredible for the skin and related problems. In 2009 a systemic review summarized 40 studies that using Aloe vera for dermatological.

The results suggested that the oral administration of Aloe vera effectively helps to heal wounds and reduces the  Incidence of tumor by more than 90% in the Liver, Splint and Bone marrow and also decreased the number and size of Papillomas in the skin.

Other studies found Aloe vera effectively treats genital herpes dermatities and Psoriasis and also burns and inflammation and if this were not enough alreay, it can also be used safely as an anti-fungal and anti-microbial agents for the skin.

07) Treats Constipation:

Aloe vera is known to have anti-constipation properties and this is because there are compounds found called an Trike known found in the Latics of the leaf that increases intestinal water contents stimulates Mucus secretion and increases Intestinal Parasitosis.

A very Interesting study found that Lat-x that was found in the Laverre was reported to have a strong Laxative effects compared to  a placebo making. This plant a very healthy alternative to laxative.

08)  Prevent Free Radicals Damage:

The anti-oxidants properties in the Aloe vera are especially helpful in reducing free radicals damage. You know slowing the aging process also free radicals damage is the damage of cells. They experience due to chemical by products our own cells produced.

These anti-oxidants properties are also helpful, for example when you are exposed to Cigarette smoke or UV rays from sunlight. Aloe Vera is well known for protecting the skin from skin cancer and fighting off inflammation after sun exposure.

09)  Can Help Treat Cancer:

This magnificant herbal remedy has also been linked to possible cancer cures. Aloe Vera has powerful anti-cancinogenic compounds that help prevent cancer and women who are at risk for breast cancer. A 2013 study found that Aloe Vera indeed lessened the chances of breast cancer and that a compound can Emodin or a Purgative resin is believed to be behind the amazing benefits Gastric cancer is another diseases that seen to be greatly benefited from a Aloe vera juice treatment options for gastric cancer are for example a low of air  juice taken daily.

10)  Moisturizes Your Hair And Scalp:

Aloe Vera is a great natural treatment for dry hair or an itchy scalp and this plant has nourishing properties and the incredible part or the Kernel. Number of vitamins and Minerals that it has preserves your hair and makes it stronger and healthier all over various anti-bacterial and anti-fungal properties also helps with dandruff and the enzymes get rid of that debt those dead cells in your scalp and promotes regeneration of the skin around your hair Follicles.

11)  Nutrition:

Aloe Vera is the most active species in the Olivera family and most incredibly has more than 75 active components include for example Vitamin, Minerals enzymes, Saccharides, Amino Acids etc. A truly incredible plant. Aloe vera contains anti-oxidants like Vitamin A,C and E plus Vitamins B12, Folic acids and Choline.

It contains 8 enzymes including Allcaline Phosphatase Anneliese Catalasa Lipases etc. Minerals like Calcium Chromium, Magnesium, copper, selenium and it provides 12 and try  which are compound known as laxative such as Emma Dine Hormones also like Auxine which aids in wound heal, anti-bacterial and anti-virals.

12)  Cleanser:

Aloe vera works as an amazing body cleanser it can flush out toxins matters from the kidneys, bladders, stomach, Liver, spleen and colon. It is also good to point out that Aloe vera provides effective relief from more immediate health issues like upset stomach, indigestion, ulcers and gut inflammation.

13) Contains Amino Acids:

Do you know that Aloe Vera contains a good amount of the essential Amino acids required by the human body. It has 20 of the 22 essential Amino Acids. Your body needs  to function properly. The plant also contains Salicylic acid which helps get rid of bacteria and inflammation.

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