Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants


Not all foods are equal in their anti-oxidant power, scientist dedicated detectives, they are sought a way to measure this anti-oxidants content in foods. Enter the concept of anti-oxidants tests, one of the most effective of these tests is the frap ferric reducing ability of Plasma analysis.Here are Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

It’s a fascinating process that pits food against a specific type of free radicals observing how well it can neutralize the threat picture this. The free radicals the antagonist is released into a plasma environment a special battlefield. The food our protagamist steps onto the seem wielding its anti-oxidants power as the food neutralized  the free radicals a reaction occurs reducing a ferric.

Anti-oxidants are compounds that block the oxidative and cause damage which allows free radicals to spread within your system and cause damage cells. When oxidation process which allows free radicals to spread within your system and cause damage to cells. When oxidation is slowed down or stopped it can reduced your chances of diseases. Most notably heart diseases and cancer.

Explore Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

01)  Red Cabbage:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Red Cabbage has some of the same anti-oxidants effects as raspberries plus more, while it may not be blessed with the same sweet taste raspberries enjoy it’s still a wise food choice. Red cabbage has more than 4 times the amount of anti-oxidants as regular cabbage. 85 of your recommended daily intake of Vitamin C is found in a single cup of red cabbage not only does it contains great Vitamin C content.

Red cabbage also has lots of Vitamin A this is a nutrients to improve your vision as well as cleanse the immune system. Anthocyanins are also available in red cabbage. Boosting the condition of your heart before reading this, red cabbage may not have been a welcome addition to your dinner plate.

02)  Walnuts:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Walnuts have the highest amount of anti-oxidants among all the nuts. Twice as many in fact the Polyphenols and walnuts essentially go to war against free radicals in your body. The walnut’s elagic acid content reduces the risk of various cancers and heart diseases. Several more walnuts anti-oxidants work to improve your heart health.

These include Catechin and melatonin while roasting them over  a campfire does seem tempting. This is actually not the way to go. If you were going to eat walnuts make sure you eat them raw and uncooked. Heating up walnuts reduces the effects of the anti-oxidants.

03)  Spinach:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Spinach fight against radicals and repairs your eyesight from any damage that may have been done. You have the anti-oxidants Lutein and Zeaxanthin to thank for this, they work to defend your eyes from cataracts and degeneration stopping you from going blind.

Eating spinach regularly can also reduce the risk of cancer. Specifically breast and Prostate. In one study in 2010 consumption of spinach showed down the growth of a Tumor. Spinach dominates free radicals and fight some of the worst diseases.

04)  Pecans:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Pecans these delicious nuts are native to North America and not only do they graze our pies and cookies with their delightful crunch but they are also an excellent source of healthy fats and minerals. According to a  frap analysis. These humble nuts contains a  staggering 10.6 millimoles of anti-oxidants per 100 grams.

Pecans are not just carrying these anti-oxidants they’re sharing them, yes consuming pecans can actually boost anti-oxidants levels in our bloodstream. One study even found that folk at risk of heart diseases saw an increase in blood anti-oxidants levels after consuming Pecan daily for 8 weeks.

Now that’s a delicious way to protect your heart and the benefits don’t stop there, in another 8 week study, pecans consumer experienced a reduction in total cholesterol LDL, the so called bad cholesterol and triglycerides compared to a control group. These are all risk factors for heart diseases and our friendly pecans seem to be waging a tasty war against them.

05)  Strawberries:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Strawberries are among the most popular fruits out there but the strength of their numerous anti-oxidants remains underappreciate. Just a  single cup carries 149 of your daily intake of Vitamin C. Now that’s healthy immune system.

One serving packs more vitamin C than a whole orange. The anthocyanins found in strawberries helps lower your levels of LDL, this stands for low density lipoprotein also known as bad cholesterol. Its then replaced with HDL high density Lipoprotein in which is referred to as good cholesterol.

06)  Raspberries:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Raspberries are a terrific source of anti-oxidants. Half a cup of raspberries contains 27% of your daily Vitamin C intake. This nutrient protects the system. While fighting off various diseases Vitamin C can even slow down the aging process as your skin will not wrinkles as quickly.

Along with Vitamin C raspberries also carry a powerful flavonoid known as Anthocyanins, this helps lower oxidative stress and inflammation from taking your body over eventually lowering your risk of heart diseases. One study from 2010 focused on a test tube carrying cancerous cells were killed off by the anti-oxidants from raspberries.

07)  Kale:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Kale has double the amount of the normal green type not only does a single cup of kale carry 134% of your RDI for Vitamin C. It holds power from anti-oxidants. Kale contains anti-oxidants such as Quercetin and Kaempferol for all which are extremely potent when free radicals come in contact with them, it’s soubtful they stand  a chance. These reduce inflammation, protect your heart, lower your blood pressure and reduce the odds of cancer.

08) Beans:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Whether its black kidney beans or Pinto beans, these legumes are packed with anti-oxidants, fiber and plant-based protein. They provide a wide range of health benefits including improved heart health, reduced cholesterol levels and better blood sugar control.

Beans are also rich in Various anti-oxidants like Flavonoids and Phenolic compounds which help fight inflammation and protect against chronic diseases, whether you incorporate them into soup stews, salads or even  make beans-based burger.

Adding beans to your diet is an excellent way to boost your anti-oxidants intake while enjoying a satisfying and nutritious meal. So don’t overlook the humble beans, it’s a true anti-oxidants power house.

09)  Turmeric:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Turmeric is a golden spice that contains a powerful anti-oxidants called Curcumin known for it’s anti-inflammatory properties. Curcumin has been linked to a range of health benefits including improved brain function reduced risk of heart diseases and potential anti-cancer effects.

Turmeric has been used for centuries in traditional medicine and cooking and it adds  a warm earthy flavor to dishes to incorporate turmeric into your diet. You can use it in curries, soups or even enjoy a cup of turmeric tea. So make sure to embrace the vibrant benefits of turmeric and elevates your anti-oxidants intake for a healthier lifestyle and there you have it on.

10)  Dark Leafy Green:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Dark leafy green like  Swiss chard collard green and mustard greens. These green are rich in anti-oxidants such as Vitamin A,C and K as well as Luton and Zeaxanthin. These anti-oxidants promotes healthy vision, supports bone health and protect against chronic diseases like cancer and heart diseases.

Dark leafy greens are also packed with Fiber, Iron and calcium making them essential for a well-balanced diet. Whether you enjoy them in salad sautes or green smoothies. Incorporating dark leafy green into your meals is a simple and effective way to boost your anti-oxidants intake and support optimal health.

11)  Grapes:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Purple and red cabbage varieties contains Vitamin C, Selenium and anti-oxidants. Two of the anti-oxidants that occurs in grapes namely Anthocyamin and Proanthocyanin, may help protect  a person from heart diseases or cancer.

12)  Tea:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

With one sip of tea, you get two potent Phytochemicals, Anthocyanin and Proanthocyanin. Both are anti-oxidants that helps fight inflammation. Green tea, in particularly contributes many other protective Pythochemicals. The catechin Epigallacatechin gallate, which is especially abundant in green tea, is a particularly potent anti-oxidants.

13)  Beetroots:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Based on a analysis, beets contains upto 1.7 mmol of anti-oxidants per 100 grams. Beets are a great source of fiber, Potassium, Iron, Folate and anti-oxidants.

They contains a group of anti-oxidants called Betalain that have been linked to impressive health benefits. One review noted that Betalain show promise for reducing free radicals and helping prevent cancers.

14)  Orange Vegetables:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

Some example of orange vegetables with anti-oxidants levels include, sweet potatoes, carrots, acorn squash and butternut squash. Several orange vegetables contains Vitamin A and other nutrients. These vegetables contains large amount of phytochemical that can help with heart diseases and cancer prevention.

15) Dark Chocolate:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

While some prefer milk chocolate, dark chocolate is more of a friend to us than we would like to give it credit for. Remember LDL and HDL dark chocolate works with your cholesterol and lowers oxidative stress. In order to reduce your risk of heart diseases. Dark chocolate is rich in Polyphenols and Catechins.

In fact dark chocolate’s anti-oxidants value is greater than that of some fruits flavonoids found in dark chocolate. Improves your flow of blood as well as your elasticity of your arteries. This decreases your blood pressure and improves the health of your heart.

16)  Artichoke:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

This green veggies actually play an important role in history  containing a bunch of the content. Artichoke were used in ancient times as a cure for Jaundice. It’s liquid extract has also been documented to assist the Liver in cell regeneration in the medical world.

Artichokes are well known for their high concentration of Chlorogenic acid. This anti-oxidants has been shown to reduce inflammation and lower your risk of diabetes, cancer and other diseases.

17) Goji Berries:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

The great wall of china delve into ancient history and explore a superfood that has been around for over two thousand years. The illustrious goji berries, these brillaint red berries are the dried fruit of two closely related plant Lyceum Barbarum and Lyceum. Chinese steeped in the rich heritage of traditional chinese medicin. Goji berries have been nurturing health and well-being long before the term superfood became a buzzword.

According to a frap analysis a 100 grams serving of Goji berries boast 4.3 milimoles of anti-oxidants a considerable amount for such a tiny fruit what makes Goji berries truly unique though are their exclusive anti-oxidants known as Lyceum Barbarum Polysaccharides. Studies have linked these powerful substance to a reduced risk of heart diseases and even cancer but the health perk of these vibrant berries don’t stop there, they have been found to be incredibly effective at raising blood anti-oxidants levels.

Think of it like an upgrade for your body’s defense system. In one captivating study healthy older adults consumed a goji berries infused milk drink daily for 90 days by the end of study their blood anti-oxidants levels had skyrocketed by an astounding 57%.

18)  Blueberries:

Top 18 Foods Contains High amount of Anti-oxidants

This is another amazing berry. No health junkie should go without blueberries. It contains the highest amount of anti-oxidants among fruits and vegetables. Anti-oxidants found in blueberries delay in natural decline in cognitive function that happens a you age.

This is when your brain is no longer able to operate as sharpely as it did years after often leading to dementia or alzheimer’s diseases. Blueberries anthocyanins also works to reduce your risk of heart diseases. There are just so many benefits for blueberries to offer,if  you are looking for  a fun outdoor activity.

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