Sesame seed or Til is a seed that has a excellent soure of healhy fat, Protein, Vitamin B, Minerals, Fiber, Anti-oxidants and other Beneficial Plant compounds. Sesame seeds have been used for various centuries cusines and have a wide range of health benefits of sesame seeds.
Sesame seeds balances the Vata Dosha in a person. Sesame seeds oil contains Linoleic acid, Palmitic acid and Stearic Acid and it is used for body as well as head massage which is called as Abhyanga
Reason why you should start adding Sesame seeds into your diet. Here are 16 wonderful and Proven Health Benefits of Sesame Seeds-2024
1) Reduce Knee pain:
Knee pain is exhausting. It significantly lowers your quality of life.And all you can do is wish away the pain. If you use Sesame seeds daily, there is a high chance you’ll get rid of your knee pain. Sesame seeds have a specific compound that reduce inflammation and protects your Bone Cartilage. Usually Arthritis is the root cause of knee pain.
There is Cartilage that Cushion your Joints like you knees. Inflammation causes damage to this Cartilage. Resulting in Joints pain. ut Sesame seeds successfully fight this off. In a study people with knee Arthritis were given 5 tablespoons of Sesame seed powder.everyday for 2 months. This was accomplished by Drug Theraphy, The group that ate Sesame seeds along with drug theraphy experienced 63 % reduction in pain. The group that relied only on drug theraphy experienced 22% reduction. Sesame seeds also improve your mobility.
2) Better Digestion:
If you’re eating Sesame seeds on a regular, your digestion is in good hands. They’re filled with Dietary fiber. Fibers binds with food in your Digestie tract and helps add bulk. Not only do you absorb nutrients, you also have better bowel movement. This means no irregular blood sugar spikes. And no sudden hunger pangs. Evidence even suggest fiber reduced your risk of certain cancer, heart disease and type 2 diabetes. Not to mention how it prevent you from gaining weight by curbing your cravings.
3) Reduced Inflammation:
Even low level Inflammation in the body can be harmful over time. These ealth issue pop up in the form of Kidney and Heart Diseases, even cancer. But sesame seeds can save you. Sesame seeds are loaded with anti-oxidants that fight off free radicals. These free radicals cause Inflammation in your body. You can even use sesame seed oil. It ‘s very effective in reducing inflammation. Pair it up with other seeds to see the dramatic benefits.
For example, scientiest made people with kidney disease eat a seed mix daily for 3 months. This seed mix contained 6 grams of sesame seeds , 6 grams of pumpkin seeds and 18 grams of flex seeds. After 3 month, it was found that the Inflammatory markers for these people reduced by 51 to 79 %.
4) Boost blood cell formation:
Suffering from low hemoglobin? Need to increase you Iron intake? Have some sesame seeds. They’re loaded with nutrients that boost the formation of red blood cells in your body. 30 grams of unhulled sesame seeds will give you 136% of your daily copper. This helps make Hemoglobin. That’s not all. You will also get 24% of your dailyiron. But just like getting Calcium requires sprouting, roasting or soaking you need to do the same if you want better Iron and Copper absorption.
5)The Mgical Power of Anti-Oxidants:
Eating sesame seeds increase anti-oxidants activity in your blood. This is very good for your health because the fight off chemicals reaction that damage your cells. When these chemicals reaction go on unhindered your risk of Chronic Diseases is very high.
6) Trighycerides and cholestrol:
Trighyceries and cholestrol levels deeply impact your health. If you don’t want to Die of heart attack, you need to keep them in check. You can do this by eating sesame seeds. Studies have found if you eat sesame seeds regularly it will help decrease your high triglyceride and cholesrol levels. Because sesame seeds are loaded with healthy fats. To be precise.
Sesame seeds have 41% Polyunsaturated fats and 39% Monosaturated fat. This is in contrast to the 15% saturated fats they offer, this makes the seeds that much more special. Having more mono and polyunsaturated fats than saturated makes sesame seeds more powerful in reducing your high cholestrol. That’s like giving you Ninja power. Sesame seeds have two specific type of compounds that have Cholestrol lowering effects.
7) Content the Nutritional powerhouse:
Sesame seeds are a nutritional powerhouse packed with essentials nutrients. Just 10z of Sesame seeds contains fiber great for digestion and heart health. Healthy fats rich in monosaturated and polyunsaturated fats Vitamins and minerals a good source of Calcium Iron Magnesium and more anti-oxidants helps protect your cells from damage heart health. Sesame seeds can significantly benefits your heart health. The healthy fats they contained help lower bad cholestrol levels reducing.
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8) Prevent Neurodegenerative Disease:
They contain Phenolics such as Lignans which has a very high anti-oxidants properties reduced oxidative stress may help prevent diseases such as Alzheimer, memory loss.
9) Better blood sugar levels:
There is something about sesame seeds that makes them everybody’s favorite. Of course their nutty flavor plays a big role. But so do the health benefits they provide. One of them is their ability to keep your blood sugar levels in check. They are loaded with healthy fats, fibers and proteins. At the same time, they’re low on carbs. This makes them great for shopping blood sugar spikes.
Sesame seess are also rich in a specific compound that stops maltase. This digestive enzyme breaks down the sugar commonly used to sweeten foods. You also produce it in your gut as a result of digesting pasta and bread. In short by inhibiting this enzymes, these compounds help lower your blood sugar levels. Sesame seeds are definitely great for you.
10) Stronger Bones:
Both hulled and unhulled sesame seeds are rich in bones strengthening nutrients like Calcium, Zinc and Magnesium. 30 grams of unhulled sesame seeds will meet 22% of your daily recommened calcium needs, 25% of your daily magnesium requirements, and 21% of your zinc needs. 25% of your daily Magnesium requirements, and 21% of your Zinc needs.
There is a slight catch through. Sesame seeds also contains compounds that ness wth the absorption of these minerals. But don’t worry, there is a way to prevent this east sesame seeds after soaking or roasting them. You can even try both. You can also sprout them. Sproutng reduces these troblesome compounds by 50%.
11) Sesame seeds has a rejuvating Quality:
It makes person physically stronger because it contains calcium which strengthen one’s bones, muscles and Joints. It is also Good source of plant-based protein for vegetarians.
12) Promotes Heart Health and reduce the risk of Osteoporosis:
The monosaturated fats and a poly unsaturated fat in sesame seeds help to maintain a good Cholestrol and to lower bad cholesterol phytostrogens which includes Glycanine in seeds may helps to reduced the risk of Osteoporosis as one Grows older.
13) Lower Blood Pressure:
Besides lowering your cholesterol, sesame seeds are great for your blood pressure as well. All thanks to their high levels of Magnesium. Magnesium is an important nutrients that reduced your blood pressure levels. Not just that, sesame seeds are also high in anti-oxidants and vitamiN E. All of which reduce plaque buildup in your arteries. This automatically keeps your blood pressure levels in check.
14) Stronger Immunity:
Sesame seeds are loaded with lots of nutrients. They give you important Vitamin like, Vitamin B1 B3 AND B6. These are important for your cell functioning and Metabolism, You also get Nutrients like Selenium, Zinc, Iron, Copper and Vitamin E. They help with essential function and fight foreign microbes.
15) Excellent Laxative:
Sesame seeds are an excellent laxative as one grows older constipation is a common complaints. Sesame improves digestion and helps in a smooth bowel movement.
16) Protein Powder:
If you’re a Vegan or Vegetarian and you feel like you’re not getting protein, have no fear. Plant based protein to the rescue. Sesame seeds are a wonderful source of Nutritious plant proteins. Just a 30 gram serving of Ssame seeds gives you 5 grams of proteins. They ‘re the building blocks of your body cells.
You need them for almost everything. For stronger muscles, healthy sin, hair an Hormones, kidney beans and chickpeas are also a great source of plant based proteins. But sesame seeds are rich in two types of amino acids that legumes don’t provide much of. So the bottom line is keep your plate full of different plant based proteins.
Pair sesame seeds with legumes before you buy just any type of sesame seeds there’s something you need to know hulled roasted sesame seeds are the best. That’s because hulling and roasting removes compounds that mess with digestion and absorption of proteins.
17) Improves Appearance:
The Vitamin E and oil in Sesame seed is good for aging skin and hair. These seeds repairs damaged cells and this improves texture of your skin.