Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron


Iron is a vital nutrients that plays a key role in producing Hemoglobin which is responsible for carrying oxygen from your lungs to the rest of your body when you are lacking from your body can’t produce enough healthy red blood cells. Which means less oxygen gets transported to your cells and Tissues leaving you feeling tired and weak.Below given are Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

That’s why it is essential to keep your Iron levels  in check. National institute of health. Recommended daily consumption falls short of this amount and doesn’t compensate for the Iron, you lose each day, you may experience deficiency.

Staying healthy, a balanced diet is one of the most important ways to make sure your body is receiving all the necessary forms of nutrition it needs to keep working efficiently but with so many different Vitamin, Minerals and other nutrients that your body needs on a daily basis it can be hard to keep track of them all.

One important mineral that should never go overlooked in your daily diet is Iron. Iron is an essential tool that helps your red blood cells carry oxygen throughout your body, it is so important in fact that a person lacking in their Iron intake can often experience serious health complication.

Iron is used by your body to create Hemoglobin a protein found in red blood cells that allows them to carry oxygen through your body to the places where it’s most needed such as your body’s tissues and muscles, if your body doesn’t have enough Iron it won’t be able to create enough Hemoglobin and as a result your body wll be unable to make use of the oxygen that enters your body by breathing.

This is known as an Iron deficiency and is the number one leading cause. In another condition known as Anemia an Iron deficiency can happen as  the result of a number of different causes of factor in some cases it may simply be due to a reduce Iron intake due to a poor or restrictive diet. In other cases an Iron deficiency might also happen as a result of blood loss internal bleeding complication during pregnancy or other condition such as inflammatory bowel diseases in any events.

There are several symptoms that can be spotted in a person who’s currently suffering from an Iron deficiency. So be on the lookout for any of the following unusual or excessive tiredness, pale skin, shortness of breath, headaches and dizziness, heart palpitation, dry skin or dry  and damaged hair, swelling or pain in the mouth or tongue,restless leg syndrome, brittle or oddly shaped fingernails,while these are the most common symptoms of an Iron deficiency.

These are other less common symptoms that should indicate a lack of Iron in your body as well, such as strange or unusual cravings anxiety, cold hands or feet and more frequent infection and illness due to  a lowered immune system. If you or someone you know is experiencing any symptoms that could point towards an Iron deficiency or anemia the first step should be to seek out and talk to a doctor because an iron deficiency affects your red blood cells.

Medical Professionals should be able to identidy and diagnosed an Iron deficiency or Anemia by taking a simple blood test for anyone who is currently suffering from an Iron deficiency. The good news is that the condition can be treated fairly easily to put it simply, all you need to do in order to shake an Iron deficiency is increase your daily intake of Iron either through eating more Iron rich food or by taking supplements to replenish your iron supply. In the case of supplement though make sure you are only taking them, if your doctor recommends them to you, otherwise an Iron rich Diet should be enough to counteract the deficiency on it’s own.

Explore Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

01)  Red Meat:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

According to sprit slur. Red meat is one of the most easily accessible sources of Heme Iron, making it one of the most important food to considered for anyone who is prone to Iron deficiencies and Anemia. Studies have indicated that people who consume red meat poultry and fish on a regular basis are at a  significant advantages.

When it come to avoiding Iron deficiencies even more. So than people who get their Iron from using supplements, a 100 grams serving og ground beef contains about 2.7 Milligrams of Iron which is about 15% of your recommended daily intake.

02) Tofu:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

A vegetarian best friend the soy based food known as Tofu is another great source of iron half a cup worth of Tofu will net you about 3.6 milligrams of Iron which is a little under 1/5 of your recommended daily intake as well as Thiamin, Calcium, Magnesium and Selenium. Tofu also provides 20 grams of protein per serving and can also help your body with insulin sensitivity and decreases the risk of heart diseases.

03)  Fish:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Fish stands out as a nutritious food choice offerning a wealth of health benefits. It is not only a rich source of proetin and minerals but also am excellent provider of Iron for every 28 grams of fish you can obtain approximately 3.3 mg of Iron which constitutes about 18.33% of the daily recommended values.

Not to mention, this food is also contains Omega-3 which helps strengthen the immune system and produce defense cells. Additionally fish is rich in Vitamin C and E which are anti-inflammatory and help strengthen the immune system. Besides fighting heart diseases it also aids in mental diseases, it also aids in mental health.

04)  Chickpeas:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Legumes are packed with nurients and are ofcourse a great source of Iron especially for vegetarian. One cup of 198 grams of cooked chickpeas for example contains 6.6 mg of Iron which represents 37% of the recommended daily values. Legumes can also help you lose weight. They are very rich in soluble fiber which can increase the feelings of fullness and reduce calories intake.

05)  Nuts:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Nuts are a good source of non-heme Iron. Those people who want to increase their daily intake of iron should include nuts and seeds in their daily diet. Nuts like almonds, cashew and pine nuts serve 1-1.6 mg Iron per ounces. Nuts are also a good source of protein, fiber, good fats, Vitaminns, Minerals and several anti-oxiants. To get more benefits always use nuts in raw form, roasting or blanching of nuts may damage their nutrients.

06) Dark Chocolate:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Dark chocolate which is not only delicious but surprisingly good for you. One ounce of dark chocolate contains 3.3 milligram of Iron which is about 19% of your daily intake if that wasn’t enough one ounce of dark chocolate will also provide you with 25% of your recommended daily dose of copper and 16% of your daily intake for Magnesium.

Dark chocolate and Cocoa powder have also been found to be high in anti-oxidants rivaling even certain types of berries with the amount of anti-oxidants activity. They have going on just make it’s dark chocolate you are eating, if you want these benefits milk chocolate is considerabe less nutritious.

07)  Chicken:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Poultry such as Chicken offers a valuable source of Heme Iron essential for various bodily function while white meat like chicken contains a moderate amount of Iron with a 100 grams serving providing approximately 1.3 mg, the organ meat particularly Liver and Heart are far richer sources chicken liver for instances boasts 12.9 mg of Iron per 100 grams. Fulfilling about 72% of the daily recommended values.

This makes it an exceptional choice for boosting Iron intake. Similarly chicken heart is another powerhouse containing 16.7 mg of Iron which s vital for oxygen transport and the production of red blood cell. Given their high iron content. These organs meats are particularly beneficial for individuals experiencing Anemia or Women during menstruation who may face significant nutrient loss.

The heme iron found in these meats is more easily absorbed by the body than the non-heme iron present in plant sources making chicken, liver and heart excellent option for maintaining healthy iron.

08)  Coconut Milk:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Coconut milk is the best alternative of cow’s milk. Coconut milk is a good source of Iron. Half cup of coconut milk serves 3.8mg of iron. It is also an excellent source of several Vitamins and Minerals including Magnesium, Copper and manganese. Coconut milk lowers blood pressure and cholesterol, improves digestion and reduce fat.

09)  Oats:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Oats are a delicious and tasty way to add iron to your diet. A cooked cup of oats contains about 3.4mg of Iron.  Oats also serves a good amount of Plant protein, Fiber, Zinc, magnesium and Folate. Oats also contains a soluble Fiber called Beta-Glucan which helps to promote gut health, gives feelings of fullness, reduce cholesterol and blood sugar levels.

10)  Spinach:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Vegetarian and vegan free to breath a sigh of relief if you are wooried all of the entries on this list, we are going to be meat based iron sourced you should be pleased to know that there are a variety of option out there to meet the needs of any diet or set of preferences.

In addition to being high in Iron, spinach is also low in calories as well as high in vitamin C which helps your body with absorbing the iron into it system. 100 grams of spinach will provide you with about 3.6 milligram of iron which is about 1/5 of your recommended daily intake.

11)  Legumes:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Beans, lentils, peas, Chickpeas and soy  beans all fall under the category of legumes. One cup of cooked lentils contains roughly the same amount of iron as a 100 grams of liver. So you don’t have to worry about missing out on iron. If you are not much of a carnivore, If that wasn’t enough, legumes have also been found to be useful foods to helps with reducing inflammation and decreasing the risk of heart diseases. They are also high in soluble fiber which has been shown to be about as effective as a low-carb diet when it comes to weight loss results.

12)  Quinoa:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

In addition to being a good meal of choice to people with an intolerance to gluten, quinoa is a Pseudo cereal that is unusally high in both protein and iron compared to most other grains. One cup of cooked Quinoa will net you nearly 3 milligram of iron which is about 15% of your recommended daily intake, if that wasn’t enough quinoa is also a rich source of Folate, Magnesium, Copper and Manganese and is also higher in anti-oxidants than most other grain.

13)  Shellfish:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

All shellfish are a good source of iron sprite low points out that Bivalva Molluscs such as clams stirs and muscles are an especially rich source of this essential mineral to give you an example a 100 grams servings of clams can provide you with as much as a whopping 28 milligrams of iron which is almost double the average person’s recommended daily intake.

In addition the iron contained in the shellfish is known as heme iron, which is easier for your body to absorb than other types of iron found in some other foods sources such as plant.

14)  Organ Meat:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Organ meat such as Liver can  be a highly nutritious. Addition to your diet as well as a rich source of iron. 100 grams of beef liver contains 6 1/2 milligrams of iron which is a little over a 3rd of the recommended daily intake, In addition, organ meat are also a rich source of Vitamin A and B as well as other beneficial nutrients such as Protein, Copper and Selenium, they are also an excellent source of Cholin which helps keep your brain and liver healthy as well.

15)  Turkey:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Looks like Turkey isn’t just for thanksgiving and the holiday season any more, turkey especially the dark meat is an abundant source of Iron. About 2.3 mlligrams per 100 grams servings or about 13% of your recommended daily intake. Additionally turkey is a high source of protein as well as several B Vitamin and Minerals such as Zinc and Selenium.

16) Olives:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Olives are technically a fruit and a good source of Iron, 3.5 ounce (100 grams) of olives provide about 3.3mg of iron. Fresh olives are also a big source of Fiber, fat-soluble, vitamin A and Good fats. Olive oils also provide several health benefits including a lower risk of heart diseases.

17)  Broccoli:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

One cup of cooked broccoli contains 1 milligrams of iron which might seem low compared to some of the other foods on the list but is still a significant source  for anyone struggling with an iron deficiency to help sweeten the deal that same serving size of broccoli would also contain nearly double yoru recommended daily intake for Vitamin C which as we mentioned before helps your body to better absorb iron, Broccoli is also a high source of Folate and Fiber as well as a moderate source of Vitamin K.

18)  Mulberries:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Mulberries are a type of fruit with a particular nutritional value. One cup of mulberries offers 2.6 mg of Iron and also meets with an 85% quantity of vitamin C. Mulberries also a big source of anti-oxidants as well which gives protection against heart diseases, diabetes and Cancer.

19)  Eggs:

Top 19 Foods That Contains High amount of Iron

Eggs contributes to a balanced diet by providing nutrients to the body for healthy promotion. Eggs are a practical accessible tasty food and should be included in the diet of people of all ages. Closing the source of Heme Iron, we have the egg yolk. It is also a source of proteins, Vitamin A and D, Fatty acids and Minerals such as Calcium, Phosphorus, Iron, Potassium and Sodium.

Being rich in fats it is also important for the production of Vitamin K2 in our intestine, its inclusion in the diet improves tissues, oxygeneration, strengthens the immune system and cognitive function and is a greatly for those who want to gain muscle. Therefore, approximately 0.65 mg of iron in an egg yolk represents about 3.61% of the recommended daily values for an average adults.

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